Tuesday, May 4, 2010

SLC...2 years later.

Not much has changed since I last wrote about SLC. Unfortch. It still sucks big balls. Lately what has been most annoying is the exclusivity upon which the state's natives operate. Most people here have grown up here, have their own circles, and they do not allow others into these circles without a great deal of effort from the outsider. I don't have the energy for such things...particularly since I am not sure it's worth the effort. I think it's no mere coincidence that our favorite people here are those who didn't grow up here. Eric and I say over and over again, "WHERE ARE ALL THE FUN PEOPLE?!" Frankly, they're hard to find. And by "fun" we mean people who aren't bored marrieds, too young and immature, too old and too mature, too young with kids, older and kid-having...basically, kids put a damper on things. It's impossible to find friends our age without kids. Our new neighborhood collectively hates us, we believe, owing to our lack of children and our relative youth. Also because we're not enormous, quite frankly. This photo shows you the looks we receive from the disgruntled parents on our block on a daily basis.

For the record...

Ryan Reynolds, love of my life, is an immigrant. What person in their right mind would want to stop him on the street and ask him to prove that he has the right to be here?? No one. I will be part of his potential illegality and harbor him in my home, in my bed, if need be. If this makes me a racist, so be it.

Latest Vitriol part deux

Lately I've been experiencing a deficit in tolerance. I can't tolerate some people's denial of the importance of protecting the environment...the type of people who find flaws with the Prius but offer up ZERO alternatives. I'm not surprised these people offer no alternatives; these are often the same people whose intellect affords them the ability to believe that AZ's new immigration law will actually solve the immigration problem. If racially motivated laws were all it would take, the problem would be solved by now, geniuses. Easy, thoughtless, shallow, and narrow-minded thinking is easy to come by; thoughtful, considerate, and sound thinking is much harder to procure. I wonder how some people are content with their own lack of thought. If a law is being produced, shouldn't it require a great deal of thought? Shouldn't the law obviously reflect such thinking? Shouldn't the governor then be able to clearly and easily answer the question, "What does an immigrant look like?" How can a bill be crafted and put into effect without such questions answered??

I may not always agree with laws, but I willingly admit when I think they are, at the very least, done with thought. For example, a new ordinance is being proposed in a CA county that would make it illegal for fast food restaurants to include toys in their kiddie meals. I completely understand this logic, and they have dutifully outlined the process that will decide each meal's fate. You may read about a few requirements here: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE63Q5RJ20100427?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews

Now, to be clear, I don't agree with this ordinance necessarily. I equate it to lawmakers in Utah deciding for its citizens how much alcohol content in beer is appropriate. That said, at least these CA peeps have made it clear how and when meals may have to forfeit their toy rights. The AZ lawmakers, and certainly the governor, should have to do the same and outline what an illegal immigrant looks like. Their racist band-aid on the problem should have to be made apparent.

Latest Vitriol

Ignoring the fact that I haven't written a post in almost two years, let's talk about how I had no idea I was supporting a hateful, close-minded bigot by way of my purchase of two Sugar-free Rockstar energy drinks recently. Here I am at work, recovering from my night of fitful sleep with aforementioned SFRS by my side, only to be informed by my gay co-worker that I was supporting hate. HOW HAS THIS NOT BEEN BIGGER NEWS?? How did I not know about this? I know about Speidi's latest (false, allegedly) claims against The Hills crew (they claim they were threatened physically), yet I don't know about a hateful businessman's views on homosexuals, women, you name it... If you care to read more about this, for I will not repeat his vile words, then you can start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockstar_%28drink%29